
The Hunter/Jumper Club (HJC) was created as a supplement to the Equus-Sims online community and is a place for those who love these disciplines to gather. Members of the community who have horses that show in Hunters, Jumpers, or Equitation are welcome to join. You must be a member of the club in order to register your horses - look to the "Members" and "Registry" pages for more info on this. The HJC hosts events that are open to the entire community as well as those that are closed to members or registered horses only. Each month, the club does a "feature" of different stallions, show entries, and stables which are voted on by members of the HJC to showcase the best of the best in the H/J community. Some custom content is available for members of the club as well, so if you love Hunters or Jumpers, jump on over to the "Members" page and fill out a form already!


Founder/President: Heather@Equus
Affiliation: Shoreline Hill Stables
Email: shorelinehillstables@gmail.com


Secretary: Melissa Masters
Affiliation: Master's Thoroughbreds
Email: mastersthoroughbreds@gmail.com


Event Manager: Nathan Hayes
Affiliation: Paragon Farm
Email: paragonfarm@hotmail.com

Journalist: Alicia Joy
Affiliation: Yellow River Hanoverians 
Email: fourwindsfarmstables@gmail.com 

Hunter & Jumper Judge: Madeline Clarke
Affiliation: Hunter's Ridge Farm
Email: huntersridgefarm@yahoo.com

Hunter/Jumper Judge: Aqua Caelum
Affiliation: Fifth Element Farms
Email: fifthelementfarms@gmail.com

Jumper Judge: Gray Hampton (Ashley)
AffiliationLodge Ridge Arabians

Jumper Judge: Lotte Prickett
Affiliation: Willowdale Equestrian Center
Email: willowdale.equestrian@gmail.com

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