Monday, June 25, 2012

Horse Coat Color Quick Reference Guide

by Ashley

Need to quickly look up the genetics for your horse? Look no further! These two lists contain the genes possible in horses and what colors have which genetics. Colors with and underscore next to a gene means that only one of the genes is needed to produce that color. For example a gray horse (G_) can be GG or Gg and still have the same coat.

Flaxen Mane - F & f
Eumelanin (Black) - E & e
Agouti (Bay) - A/At/+ & a
Cream - Cr & cr
Dun - D & d
Overo - No & NN & OO
Grey - G & g
Champagne - Ch & ch
Silver Dapple - Z & z
Pearl - Prl & prl
Sooty - STY & sty
Rabicano - Rb & rb
Roan - Rn & rn+
Sabino 1 - Sb1 & sb1+
White - W & w+
Tobiano - TO & to+
Splash - SPL & spl
Lp (Varnish) - Lp & lp
Pat1 (Leopard) - PATN1 & patn1
Patn2 (Blanket) - PATN2 & patn2

Gray Horse - G_
Black Horse - E_
Chestnut Horse - ee
Black Horse(Bay) - E_A_
Palomino Horse - eeCrcr
Cremello Horse - eeCrCr
Perlino Horse - E_A_CrCr
Buckskin Horse - E_A_Crcr
Smoky Cream - E_CrCr
Smoky Black Horse - E_Crcr
Grullo Horse - E_D_
Red Dun Horse - eeD
Classic Dun Horse - E_A_D_
Overo Horse - NO
Non-Marked Horse - NN
Lethal White Syndrome - OO

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